NetPresenz is Shareware, which means we encourage you to use our software and see if it meets your needs. If it does and you decide to continue to use the software you must pay for it.Shareware is usually less expensive than commercial products distributed through normal channels because the packaging and marketing overheads are reduced. We aim to produce the same high quality software you would expect to see on the shelves of a computer store, but we believe in getting the software to you in the most cost effective means possible. Without the distractions of boxing software we can remain small, and focus on getting good software where it matters: in your hands.
We hope the Showcase is useful to you. It is here for you to look over and get some ideas, familiarise yourself with the jargon and get a feel for what is possible from your desktop. If you end up using a different web server but you found the Showcase of great use to you, we hope you might consider registering anyway.
Jeremy Nelson, Support Droid and Stairways Webmaster
How to Register.
A single user license for NetPresenz costs US$10. The upgrade is free if you purchased your copy of FTPd/NetPresenz after January 1, 1996. Otherwise the upgrade is 50% of the normal price.
Note : A single user license means you may run a single copy of NetPresenz with any number of people connecting and using the server. If you wish to run more than 50 copies of NetPresenz you should consider purchasing a Site License. (See the next section.)
You can pay in one of two ways: on-line registration using a web browser, or off-line registration using the Register program.
Our online registration can be found at:
<>Or, using the Register program, you need to...
1. Get hold of a copy of the Register program: Register is distributed with Anarchie 2.0.1 and NetPresenz. You can also get Register from the following sites:
..or there are download links on the following Web page:
2. Run the Register program and fill out the form: You need to enter your name, email, postal address, and the shareware you wish to pay for. The form accepts many different payment methods such as: US Check, Money Order, Cash (in many different currencies), Visa, Mastercard, American Express, First Virtual, and Invoice (to be given to your accounts payable department).
3. Send it to Kagi Shareware: Then either email the data generated by the registration program or print it and send it via postal mail or fax. Credit card information is encoded by the Register program.
The address to send the completed form is output by Register when you Print or Copy the completed form. The addresses are:
FAX: +1 510 652 6589
Kagi Shareware
1442-A Walnut Street #392-PL
Berkeley, California, 94709-1405
If we don't answer Email it is because your message didn't get to us, or our reply bounced, so please try again and include a valid Internet address if you can.
Australians may pay in Australian dollars direct to us if they prefer.
Site Licensing
World-wide license: US$2000
Universities or companies site license: US$500
Curtin University and the University of Western Australia are exempt.
A site license covers usage of NetPresenz on an unlimited number of machines within 100 miles of some arbitrary central point which are owned by the licensed organization. (A site license will not be useful unless you intend to run more than 50 copies of NetPresenz.)
World Wide licenses remove the 100 mile radius restriction.
If you purchase a site license, contact us for information on how to make this program automatically set the "I Paid" flag in the FTP Setup dialog.
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